Self_respect simply means you have confidence , you know your values , and not let break your boundaries .self respect is more important things for building personal development. There is great saying knowledge gives you power and character gives you respect . Self-respect is important because if you don't respect yourself then why other other people will? If you are lazy , you have negative mind then people don't respect you otherwise they ignore you . So it is important to earn respect from others , you have to gain self-respect first . Respect is for those who deserved it not to demand it.
Here are some ways for gaining self respect you can implement in your life:
1. Believe yourself:
If you want self respect , you have to believe yourself first . believe yourself means you have to believe your dreams , your goals and know your values . If you cannot believe yourself , then how other people believe you ? Believe yourself is the first secret way to gain self secret . Don't think yourself as a looser , you are stronger than you think .don't focus on what people think about you . It is enough to believe yourself .
2. Complete your commitment:
People always respect those , who do what they say. Once you commit , you have to do it . The level of commitment gives you respect . If your commitment and actions are doesn't match , noone takes you seriously and people treat you as a cheap guy . So , be careful you speak only when you have to dare to do the things what you commit . It increase your self_respect even other other people too .
3. Be valuable not available:
It good to be there for someone , but remember but don't make yourself too much available , it loose your importance. Don't available to all time , there is no respect. People treat you by your character and attitude , if you available for them at all time then only use you and don't understand your value. So don't available , be valuable because too much availability loose your values and importance . Then , you cannot feel self-respect .
4. Focus on your skills:
If you cannot understand your capabilities , then you cannot appreciate and respect yourself . Every people in this world have their own talent and creativity and some have potential to create skills . You have to find your capabilities and try them . Do that skill which is most meaningful for you , which makes yourself more valuable through this skills . Then you feel self-respect and world also respect you .
5. Forgiveness and self-love:
You can gain self-respect only when you give forgive yourself for your past mistakes . Tough situation comes in every person life , and people learn lesson from that tough situation. If you blame yourself for that tough situation , you lost your self-respect. So, it is better to avoid these problems and love , respect and forgiveness to yourself which you give your close friends and family.
6.control your emotions:
You have to know to control your emotions . Don't share your emotions with everyone , it is not necessary everyone understand your emotions . If someone don't interested to listen you , then don't share your feelings with them . It will loose your self- respect . If you have love or hate , control your emotions. Spend time with people who makes you happy , love you and understand your emotions is far better than wasting time for those who don't care about your emotions .