What is real happiness? How to live a happy life ?

 Happiness is just state of mind,  Real happiness doesn't measured by the amount of money you have and how much successful you are. Real happiness comes from inner hearts of people like, quality life they spent, helping others , collected beautiful memories with family and friends.

some people smiles and some are sad. People ruin their life with their rules and regulations. people have to accept the things which they have ,only then they feel the real happiness. A poor person may be happy with his life if he accept himself with the things, and a rich man may not be happy if he didn't accept himself with the things which he have .

Different people have their own opinion about key of real happiness, Here are some points about achieving the real happiness and make a life valuable . These points  may not be apply  ... in someone's life . It's our own thoughts. 

Be always true with yourself 

 Always be true and original because no can replace you . Happiness never determined by what happening around you , it depends upon what happen inside you . True happiness always come from those people which are surrounded by you , whom you love and love you in return.  Don't wait for tomorrow to be happy,  enjoy present moment. 

Accept yourself 

People never be happy if they didn't accept themselves with present situation .people have a lots of dreams ,not matter small or big , dreams only comes true when yuh believe yourself, accept yourself. Remember one thing a man with dreams is never poor . people say money can buy everything , but I don't agree with this statements  because money can buy all the things which are essential in our daily life and fulfill our needs and desires but money never buy real happiness and memories.

Money is not always a key of happiness 

Many people think that money is everything things , yah it's true money can buy everything that we needed in life but don't buy a real happiness .Real happiness comes from inner heart. A small child is happy without money and enjoying a life. Real happiness doesn't mean how much money you have and how luxury life you spend . It's simply means you have satisfied to your life, doesn't matter your lifestyle is simple or luxurious and beautiful memories spend with your family and friends.

Never expect from others 

Expectations always lead toward unhappy and miserable life. Don't loose your happiness to make other happy, it hurts you most. Where there is expectation , there is no happiness . Believe in yourself and be hopeful for tomorrow because tomorrow will be sunshine if you work hard for your dreams without expectations.

Accept yourself, be kind yourself, believe yourself , enjoying in small things and love the people around you that gives you real happiness . Love the nature it loves you . happiness is key of success , if you want successful man in your life then spreading love with people , family and friends , it makes you happy too. See the world in a Positive way , there will be everything beautiful.

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